September 05, 2007
Contact: Amy Koenig 602-340-7357 Print Press Release
Phoenix Kids to Participate in 2007 Phoenix City Elections
That question will be answered next week when grade and high school students throughout Phoenix-- and all Phoenix citizens (under 18) accessing the ballot with an on-line computer-- cast their vote in the September City election. Kids Voting Arizona is not just trying to answer this hypothetical question. Their goal is to have kids start voting now in hopes that the habit will continue as adults.
On September 11th, all Phoenix kids can log on to www.kidsvotingaz.org to cast their vote for the City of Phoenix Mayor, Councilmember, and six propositions appearing on the ballot. Results will be tabulated and reported in conjunction with the City of Phoenix’s Official Results reporting.
“In the 2006 election only 14% of Arizona 18 to 29 year olds voted compared to 22% of that age group nationally,” states Jeffrey Schrade, Senior Director for Kids Voting & Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education. “If we can’t show kids that their vote counts now, then we may continue to face a spiraling decline in voter participation. Kids Voting Arizona is committed to reversing that spiral and assuring that this coming generation of voters all exercise their right and responsibility to vote.”
Kids Voting Arizona curriculum is available to all Arizona classrooms and elections, serving as an opportunity to empower kids through hands-on learning of civic education and government. Over 1 million votes have been cast by Arizona’s youngest citizens since Kids Voting Arizona started in 1988 and has continued to grow each year.
For the City of Phoenix elections, all Phoenix schools and districts were sent an invitation to participate. Schools requesting support in providing the Kids Voting curriculum received instructional materials, “Voter Identification Cards” and “I voted” stickers for student voters. The stickers were made available through the generosity of the Arizona Realtors Association.
Which politicians have the voter support of Phoenix’s future generations? Watch for the Kids Voting Arizona results for the inside look.
For more information, check out the Kids Voting Arizona Web site and these other great resources:
Kids Voting Arizona www.kidsvotingaz.org
Kids Voting USA www.kidsvotingusa.org
About Kids Voting Arizona
Kids Voting Arizona is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots-driven voter education program. As an organization, Kids Voting Arizona is committed to creating lifelong voting habits in children and increasing adult voter turnout. Through the Kids Voting Arizona program, Arizona is leading the fight against voter apathy. Kids Voting Arizona is a program of the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education.