Dobson High School Wins U.S. Constitution Competition
January 09, 2002 Print Press Release
Students from eight Arizona high schools prepared for the state competition by studying the U.S. Constitution and becoming well versed on its historical and contemporary components. During simulated congressional hearings, students answered complex questions about the Constitution and were judged on understanding, constitutional application, reasoning, supporting evidence, responsiveness and participation.
Tempe's Corona Del Sol High School, last year's state winner, finished second, and Hamilton High School from Chandler finished third.
Schools also earned unit honors during the competition. The unit winners were: Unit 1 - Hamilton High School; Unit 2 - Mountain Ridge High School (Green team); Unit 3 - Prescott High School, Unit 4 - Mountain Ridge High School (Burgundy team); Unit 5 - Desert View High School and Unit 6 - Rio Rico High School.
"Each year I am amazed at the knowledge and composure demonstrated by all the students," said Debbie Shayo, state coordinator of the We The People program. "They take the Constitution to heart and learn to apply its historical and philosophical principles to current day situations."
The Dobson High School class will travel to Washington, D.C. on May 4-6 to compete in the national competition against 49 other classes. Members of the winning class are: Brianne Kiley, Ashley Wearly, Jeff Yost, Nicole Best, Ashley Emmons, Jordan Pendergrass, Jake Seybert, Adam Cronenberg, Tammy Ho, Ashley Rogers, Diana Capozzi, Candice Howden, Deborah Hsieh, Katherine Jennings, Amanda Keim, Jimmy Martinez, Jr., Dean Anderson, Adam Ekbom and Hiral Shah.
Visit the Arizona We the People Website.