Dobson High School Wins National U.S. Constitution Competition
May 05, 2002 Print Press Release
May 5, 2002 (WASHINGTON, DC) - Students from Mesa's Dobson High School representing Arizona in the national "We the People…The Citizen and the Constitution" competition, will bring a national champion trophy back to Phoenix this week. Under the guidance of teacher Abby Dupke, the class won First Place at the the National Championship Monday May 6, 2002. The "We The People" program is sponsored and administered by the Arizona Bar Foundation in Arizona and nationally by the Center for Civic Education.
Read more about the Dobson team in the Arizona Republic.
See Pictures at the Center for Civic Education Website.
The Dobson High School class competed against 50 other classes. Members of the winning class are: Brianne Kiley, Ashley Wearly, Jeff Yost, Nicole Best, Ashley Emmons, Jordan Pendergrass, Jake Seybert, Adam Cronenberg, Tammy Ho, Ashley Rogers, Diana Capozzi, Candice Howden, Deborah Hsieh, Katherine Jennings, Amanda Keim, Jimmy Martinez, Jr., Dean Anderson, Adam Ekbom and Hiral Shah.
National Champion We the People Team Members from Dobson High testify in a mock Congressional hearing
Visit the Arizona We the People Website.