Arizona Wills For Heroes Serves Arizona Probation Officer’s Association
October 29, 2014
Contact: Taylor Cohan 602-340-7235 Print Press Release
[Phoenix, AZ] – This past Saturday the Wills for Heroes, a program of the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education (Bar Foundation) and the State Bar of Arizona, held a special event for the Arizona Probation Officer’s Association. The Wills for Heroes program offers free estate planning legal services to first responder personnel in Arizona. In addition, the program also extends to firefighters, EMTs, police officers, and other heroic professions. Through the program, Arizona attorneys, notaries, and other volunteers have donated more than 1,100 hours to provide over 400 wills so far in 2014. Wills for Heroes steering committee member and volunteer, Richard Palmatier, attended the event on Saturday and stated that the event was successful in “boosting the program” by raising awareness for the Arizona Probation Officer’s Association, and informing local probation officers on how to register for the program. Palmatier, a retired JAG (Military Defense Attorney), got involved with the Wills for Heroes program 4 years ago after his retirement. He also has done pro bono work with several veterans on disabilities appeals through the Bar Foundation.
Of the Wills for Heroes program, Palmatier stated that, “as an attorney volunteer, it’s a fun opportunity to meet face to face with the people who work to protect and save us everyday.” He went on to say that, “it’s a very rewarding experience to help these brave workers solve some of the uncertainties that come with their professions, so that if something were to happen to them, their families will be protected.”
The Wills for Heroes programs, started shortly after the tragic events of September 11, 2001, have served over 7,000 heroes across 10 states, and continue to expand across the nation as more and more communities learn about the programs. The Bar Foundation is proud to oversee the Arizona section of such a positive and beneficial program in partnership with the State Bar of Arizona. Although it has expanded greatly since its conception, the program has remained a very personal and gratifying program for the volunteers, who keep it strong by offering their time and services to those who need it. In the words of Palmatier, “It’s a great program to get involved with because, in a way, you get to become a part of someone’s life.”