Foundation Seeking Board Members
September 17, 2002
Contact: Lindsay Hansen Print Press Release
PHOENIX, Ariz. (September 17, 2002) - Applications are now being accepted for positions on The Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education board of directors. Lawyers and non-lawyers are encouraged to apply. Interested parties must submit an application to the Foundation by October 31,2002.
Board members are expected to understand the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education’s mission, be influential leaders, demonstrate initiative, demonstrate courage, be knowledgeable, attend and actively participate in 7 board meetings per year, serve on at least one committee and participate in fund raising efforts. All terms are effective for three years.
The Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education was created over twenty years ago to support legal aid for the indigent throughout the state and to support democracy education in primary and secondary schools. In 2002, the Foundation will disburse over $2 million in funding to support 25 legal aid agencies throughout the state. In addition, the Foundation funds comprehensive K-12 education programs, teaches youth about conflict resolution, peace making, public policy making, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In 2002, the Arizona Bar Foundation will reach 40,000 Arizona school children with this curriculum. In addition, the Bar Foundation administers an annual $300,000 Congressional grant that supports a democracy education program in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
For more information about the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services and Education or to apply for a board position please contact Carrie Sherman at 602.340.7201.