For Immediate Release Media Contact
Friday, April 13, 2012 Carl Rauscher
Legal Services Corporation
Southern Arizona Legal Aid Director Anthony Young
to Participate in White House Forum on Legal Aid
Washington, DC – Southern Arizona Legal Aid (SALA) Executive Director Anthony Young is one of six legal services program directors selected to participate in a White House forum examining the state of civil legal assistance for low-income Americans. The forum, co-hosted by the Legal Services Corporation (LSC), will take place on Tuesday, April 17.
Other speakers will include: U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder; Deputy Chief of Staff to the President Mark Childress; former Pennsylvania Governor and U.S. Attorney General Richard Thornburgh; U.S. Department of State Legal Advisor Harold Hongju Koh; Department of Veterans Affairs General Counsel Will A. Gunn; White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler; Justice Jess H. Dickinson of the Mississippi Supreme Court; Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan; American Bar Association President William T. Robinson; LSC Board Chairman John G. Levi and Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow, who is also vice chair of the LSC board.
“Southern Arizona Legal Aid proves the value of collaboration in providing access to justice,” said LSC President James J. Sandman, who will moderate a panel of directors from LSC-funded programs. “SALA’s partnership with the University of Arizona Law School extends the reach of the program’s foreclosure prevention work. Through SALA’s Volunteer Lawyers Program, private attorneys represent clients pro bono and assist self-represented individuals. Through these collaborations, many low-income Arizonans gain access to justice they would not otherwise have.”
Young is one of six directors chosen from among the 135 organizations nationally that receive federal funding through LSC. In addition to Arizona, other states to be represented on the panel are Georgia, Montana, Ohio, Virginia and Washington.
Established by Congress in 1974, LSC is the single largest funder of civil legal assistance in the nation. LSC grants help address the civil legal needs of the elderly, victims of domestic violence, veterans seeking benefits to which they are entitled, persons with disabilities, tenants facing unlawful evictions, and other civil matters.