June 01, 2010
Contact: Hayley Ivins 602-340-7235 Print Press Release
Justice advocate to be recognized posthumously
[Phoenix, AZ] – A remarkable justice advocate for the less fortunate has been named the 2010 Foundation for Justice Award Recipient. Elvera Anselmo will be recognized posthumously for her years of outstanding advocacy throughout Arizona and the world. The Foundation for Justice Award is presented to one who has devoted expertise and time to changing the justice system to promote access and opportunity for those most vulnerable. Given annually, the Award will be presented at the 2010 Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education Awards luncheon on June 10th, 2010 at the Renaissance Glendale Hotel & Spa.
About Elvera Anselmo:
Elvera Anselmo was a compassionate and tireless advocate for those in need. In February 2010, Anselmo passed away at the young age of 57. Her entire life was dedicated to fighting for economic and social justice for vulnerable persons. For several years after graduating from Blackburn College with a degree in Education, Anselmo traveled and worked around the world with the United Nations. When she returned to the States she worked to protect women from violence and to provide housing to the homeless. She lobbied both Arizona and Illinois legislators on behalf of low income people, provided training and continuing legal education, and worked to protect senior citizens against fraud and abuse at the Attorney General’s Office, Governor's Advisory Council on Aging and AARP. She was a courageous and dedicated fighter for equal justice for all, and will be very missed by the justice community as a whole.
About the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education
The Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education provides technical and financial assistance to legal aid organizations, schools and community groups. The Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education promotes “Access to Justice for All Arizonans” by supporting law-related education and free legal services and by promoting statewide collaborative efforts.
Helpful Websites:
· Foundation for Justice Award: