ASA Mock Trial
May 12, 2010
Contact: ASA Newsletter Print Press Release
A final ASA moment to share with you occurred last weekend on the other side of the country, in Philadelphia. ASA's Mock Trial team represented Arizona as the state champs for the first time. Incredibly, they were undefeated until the final round before the semi-finals, at one point beating the reigning national champions. Ultimately, our ASA team placed 13th in the nation - an accomplishment to be proud of - and Anna Patten was awarded one of the only two individual awards given for the "Best Overall Performance". Beyond the competition, our ASA team was a standout group for their leadership, sportsmanship and spirit. They were the first on the dance floor at the social encouraging others to join, and made many lasting friendships throughout the tournament. At one point, they even gave an impromptu performance in Reading Market when the entertainer left his piano for a short break. A few piano pieces and a spectacular rendition of "Bridge Over Troubled Water" later, ASA students left yet another astonished audience marveling at their talent and confidence. Congratulations to our team: Anna Patten, Julia, Patten, Juliette Chevallier, Lauren Carroll, Kai Song-Nichols, Kara Van Schilfgaarde, and Ben Mertens led by the amazing Mark Labouchere - the Mock Rocks!