Wills for Heroes has new partner
May 14, 2009
Contact: Lara Slifko 602-340-7235 Print Press Release
The Arizona Foundation for Legal Services and Education (Foundation) proudly announces our latest partnership with the State Bar of Arizona, the Wills for Heroes program
Wills for Heroes first began in Arizona almost four years ago when it was adopted by the State Bar of Arizona Young Lawyer Division. Since then, more than 300 volunteer attorneys have prepared 4,933 estate plans for Arizona’s first responders and their spouse or domestic partner, assuring they had protected their families as they face danger in each call they answer. With over 6,300 hours of pro bono service, the growth of Wills for Heroes has exceeded the expectations of everyone involved.
“Looking back on our success and towards the future, it was time for our program to evolve. This partnership brings the Foundation’s expertise in pro bono program administration and volunteer coordination to Wills for Heroes and, in return, we will be able to continue providing the high level of service to those who truly deserve it, Arizona’s first responder community.” explained Jeff Jacobson, Founder of Wills for Heroes in Arizona and co-founder of the national non-profit, the Wills for Heroes Foundation, Inc.
The Foundation currently coordinates activities of approximately 875 volunteers each year including volunteers within other State Bar & Foundation shared initiatives such as Mock Trial, the Bankruptcy Hotline, and Lawyers Helping Homeowners. The Foundation’s expertise in the development of interactive websites to coordinate communication between the public and volunteer attorneys with LawForKids.org, AzLawHelp.org and LawForSeniors.org was another plus for the Wills for Heroes initiative being under the Foundation’s direct administration.
“The Foundation is very excited to begin working on this great State Bar program and to have the opportunity to work with so many amazing and dedicated Wills for Heroes volunteer attorneys” states Lara Slifko, Resource Director for the Foundation. “If anyone has any questions about the program, volunteering or on the Foundation in general please contact me at 602-340-7235 or Lara Slifko”
The new partnership brings a few changes including the introduction of our new program website, http://az.willsforheroes.org/. The website will provide attorneys, notaries, law students, and witnesses with an easier path to volunteering for events. As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions for improving the Wills for Heroes program. On behalf of the Foundation and the Wills for Heroes program, thank you for all you have done – and will do – for our first responders.