April 02, 2009
Contact: Hayley Ivins (602)773-3432 Print Press Release
For Immediate Release For more information, contact:
April 2, 2009 Lara Slifko 602-340-7235
University High School crowned
State high school Mock Trial Champion
State high school Mock Trial Champion
(Phoenix, AZ) – Tucson’s University High School took first place at the State Tournament on Saturday March 28th, 2009 at the Sandra Day O’Connor Federal Courthouse. University High School also took in 3rd, with Xavier College Preparatory School taking 2nd and 4th. As the State Champion, University will represent Arizona at the National High School Mock Trial Championship in Atlanta, Georgia May 6th through May 10th, 2009.
Individual award winners (nominated by tournament judges for outstanding performance as an attorney) of the Arizona Association of Defense Counsel’s scholarships were as follows:
Outstanding Student ($500 Scholarship)
Will Hawkins - Blue Ridge High School
Honorable Mention Outstanding Students ($250 Scholarships)
David Berens - University High School Team 1
Shane Arlington - Northland Preparatory Academy Team 1
All State Team (Nominated by tournament judges for outstanding performance):
- Shane Arlington - Northland Preparatory Academy Team 1
- David Berens – University High School Team 1
- Kristie Gallardo - University High School Team 2
- Will Hawkins - Blue Ridge High School
- Sara McCabe - Xavier College Preparatory School Team 1
- Mari Carmen Perez-Vargas - Xavier College Preparatory School Team 2
- Danny Wilson – Brophy College Preparatory School
Courtroom Artist Contest Winners
- State & Region 7 Winner: Linnea Paseiro
- Region 6 Winner: Julie Zhang
The program is sponsored by the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education, in partnership with the State Bar of Arizona’s Young Lawyer Division. The rounds are presided over by Arizona judges. Over 75 Arizona volunteer judges and attorneys helped in the state competition, sharing their legal expertise with the participants through constructive feedback after each trial.
The competing teams were the highest ranking among over 50 teams that competed in six regional competitions across the state on March 7th.
About Arizona’s Mock Trial Program
Mock Trial gives students interested in law, public speaking, or performing arts an opportunity to learn from practicing attorneys who share their legal experience as coaches. Mock Trial teams consist of six to eight students, a teacher coach, and an attorney coach. Each team must argue both sides of a fictional case and play both attorney and witness. Teams work together to learn the facts of the case and create strategies for trial. This year’s case is a civil matter addressing cyberstalking, a timely issue in today’s technological age.
The Arizona High School Mock Trial Program gives students a better understanding of the legal system - from the rules of evidence to proper court decorum - increasing their awareness of the importance of law in a democratic society while strengthening their understanding of fundamental rights under the U.S. Constitution. The program also promotes increased confidence, poise, oral skills, critical thinking and teamwork.
About the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services and Education
The Foundation provides technical and financial assistance to legal aid organizations, schools and community groups working toward “access to justice for all Arizonans” through law-related education and free legal services and by promoting statewide collaborative efforts.
Helpful Websites:
· Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education:
· Arizona Mock Trial:
· National Mock Trial:
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