FDIC Notice
February 19, 2009
Contact: Kay Lapid (602)773-7366 Print Press Release
All financial institutions with FDIC coverage were automatically enrolled in the Transaction Account Guarantee Program of the TLGP for the period of October 14th through December 5, 2008. After that time, financial institutions could have elected to opt out of the program. Those that elected to opt out were required to post a notice to that effect in the lobby of their main and branch offices and on their websites. In addition, they are listed on the FDIC website as having opted out of the program. Financial institutions that elected to participate in the program were also to post a notice in their main and branch offices, as well as their website, indicating their participation. These notice requirements were to be posted by December 19th. The TLGP is in effect until December 31, 2009, unless it is further extended by the FDIC. For the full text of the final rule, click here.
The FDIC has now posted the list of financial institutions that have opted out of the Transaction Account Guarantee Program of the TLGP. To view the list, click here.