ASPC-Lewis Inmates Raising Funds for “Kids Voting” Program
October 03, 2008
Contact: Lori Palmer Print Press Release
Inmates at the Arizona State Prison Complex-Lewis no longer have voting rights, but they are still raising funds to help Arizona kids understand that voting is a right you want to use and not lose! The inmates and staff of ASPC-Lewis discovered that a mere $15 donation to Kids Voting Arizona ensured a classroom could receive all the materials needed to participate in Kids Voting Election - at no cost to the school. The prison inmates decided to initiate a fundraising program to see how many classrooms they could help support. The fundraiser was initially supposed to run for 2 weeks, but they are so ecstatic with the results they are continuing to raise funds for the program. So far the inmates and staff have raised over $1,000 for Kids Voting. Inmates are donating money they earned by the Work Incentive Pay Plan (WIPP) program at the prison. This allows inmates to utilize experience and training in meaningful employment while supporting their needs. According to ASPC-Lewis Warden John Palosaari, “We appreciate this opportunity for our inmates to practice restorative justice principals by giving back to the community through this project.” Kids Voting Arizona is so grateful of the support given by the dedication of ASPC-Lewis inmates and staff.