ARIZONA STUDENTS AWARDED SCHOLARSHIPS: Arizona Supreme Court Justices Recognize Essay Winners on Law Day
April 30, 2008
Contact: Lara Slifko (602)340-7235 Print Press Release
[Phoenix, AZ] — On May 1st, the Arizona Supreme Court will celebrate Law Day by recognizing students from Arizona high schools for their essay submissions on the topic “How Should the Courts Uphold the Rule of Law?” Joined by their parents and teachers, the top three winners from participating counties in Arizona will receive special recognition from Arizona Supreme Court Justices during a luncheon held in their honor. Top essay winners from each county will be announced at the luncheon and receive a $250 scholarship from the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education.
“I look forward to celebrating Law Day by discussing the issue of how courts should uphold the rule of law with thoughtful high school students from throughout the state. From what I have read of their essays, the future of the court system will be in very good hands.” said Chief Justice Ruth McGregor, who will spend the afternoon discussing the essay contest topic with the winners.
The 2008 Law Day Essay Contest received 90 submissions from schools throughout Arizona. Winners of the 2008 Law Day Essay Contest are:
Amalia Skilton Tempe Preparatory Academy Maricopa County Britanie Ames Benson High School Cochise County Christian Ortega Sunnyside High School Pima County Cory Stevens Cibola High School Yuma County Danielle Font Rio Rico High School Santa Cruz County Gus Peru Sunnyside High School Pima County Heather Singell Benson High School Cochise County Jessica Edmiston Benson High School Cochise County Kamber Turley Winslow High School Navajo County Pedro Espitia Sunnyside High School Pima County Rebecca Pearce Show Low High School Navajo County Robert Nejbauer Dobson High School Maricopa County Sinead Steverson South Mountain High School Maricopa County
The Law Day Essay Contest was open to all Arizona 10th through 12th grade high school students. Essay submissions were required to be 1,000 words or less and were judged by a volunteer panel of civic leaders.
The Supreme Court will also recognize middle school winners from the Maricopa County Bar Association middle school Law Day Essay Contest at the luncheon.
About Law Day:
In 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower proclaimed May 1st Law Day to strengthen our nation’s great heritage of liberty, justice, and equality under the law. Each year since, the American Bar Association, with help from local courts, bar associations and legal charities, has promoted events across the nation to celebrate Law Day. The Arizona Foundation for Legal Service & Education’s Law Day Essay Scholarship Contest is sponsored by the Arizona Supreme Court and Maricopa County Bar.
About the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education:
The Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education provides technical and financial assistance to legal aid organizations, schools and community groups working toward “access to justice for all Arizonans” through law-related education and free legal services.
For more information:
Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education:
Arizona Supreme Court:
Law Day:
Maricopa County Bar Association: