Heber’s Mogollon Junior High School Wins Arizona Project Citizen Showcase at the Arizona State Capitol
May 04, 2004
Contact: Sarah Ramos (602)340-7362
Print Press Release
PHOENIX, Ariz. (May 4, 2004) – Students and teachers at Mogollon Junior High School in Heber were concerned about the lack of disability access on their campus. A group of enthusiastic eighth graders decided to do something about it. Mr. Maner’s students studied the problem for the past five months and think they have a policy to solve the problem.
The class has been involved in a civic education program called We the People…Project Citizen sponsored by the Arizona Foundation For Legal Services & Education and the Center for Civic Education. First, they identified a problem in the community. Next, they researched the problem contacting other communities with similar problems to find out what policies were in place to correct their problems. They then came up with a policy they feel will solve Mogollon Junior High's disability access problem. They presented their research findings as well as their suggested policy and implementation plan on Thursday, April 29 th , to a panel of community members at the annual Project Citizen Arizona State Showcase. Mogollon Junior High's project was selected among 12 finalists from across the state as the top project of the showcase.
Other classes presenting at the Arizona State Project Citizen Showcase included:
- Carson Junior High – Mesa
- East Globe Elementary School
- Holy Angels School – Globe
- Madison #1 - Phoenix
- Palo Verde Middle School – Phoenix
- Parkview Middle School – Prescott Valley
- Copper Rim Elementary School – Globe
Mogollon Junior High's project will go on to represent Arizona in the National Project Citizen showcase held in conjunction with the National Conference of State Legislatures Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City , Utah July 19 th – 23 rd , 2004.
About the Foundation
The Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education plays a leading role in preparing Arizona students for civic responsibility. The Foundation reaches more than 100,000 children by training teachers, school resource officers and probation officers about our laws, justice system and the foundations of democracy. It is also home of www.LawForKids.org , America 's first Web site dedicated to teaching students about the law. The Foundation also awards nearly $2 million in grants to more than 20 non-profit organizations providing legal services to those in need, so all people in Arizona can have a voice in our justice system.
Helpful Websites:
- Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education: http://www.azflse.org
- Arizona Project Citizen: http://www.azflse.org/pcitizen
- Arizona State Legislature: http://www.azleg.state.az.us
- Center for Civic Education: http://www.civiced.org
- National Conference of State Legislatures: http://www.ncsl.org/
What does the research say about Project Citizen ?
- Project Citizen helps students develop a greater understanding of public policy
- Project Citizen helps students learn how their government works and develops student commitment to active citizenship and government
- Project Citizen involves students in the communities and helps students learn about specific community problems
- Project Citizen teaches students important research and communication skills
- Project Citizen encourages students to work cooperatively
- Project Citizen is fun