LRE Academy
Law-Related Education is...
The teaching of rules, laws and the legal system that actively involves students to prepare them for responsible citizenship. LRE provides instruction in legal rights, responsibilities and the role of the citizen and requires students to practice the application of law in potential real-life situations.
The LRE Academy will...
provide new and experienced school resource officers, school probation officers, teachers and administrators LRE training and instruction that is research-based and proven effective. The Academy will offer basic and advanced level LRE courses designed to assist educators with the implementation of law-related education lessons and activities.
Goal of the LRE Academy
It is the Academy's primary initiative to provide training designed to meet and exceed law-related education's best practices through professional development. Through expanded LRE Academy trainings and resources, the Foundation will equip Arizona educators with the necessary knowledge and skills to implement LRE curricula..
The LRE Academy is sponsored by the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education with funding made possible by the Arizona Department of Education's School Safety Program, the Arizona Supreme Court and the State Bar of Arizona's Young Lawyers Division.
School Safety Program Trainings
The School Safety Program Trainings, including the New Officer and Leadership trainings, are hosted by the Arizona Department of Education. On-line registration is available at School Safety Program Training Application (please click Standards & Assessment: School Safety and Prevention).